Saturday, June 28, 2014


My husband and I took a two and a half week trip to Paris, London, and Cardiff. Paris was our vacation, London and Cardiff were for his business trip. Here are a very tiny portion of the highlights.

Kenwood House
{Home of the Mansfield family, now an art museum and historical house}

 Hampton Court Palace
{Henry VIII and William and Mary lived here}

I found the Doctor and his TARDIS!

Tea at Harrods


My husband and I took a two and a half week trip to Paris, London, and Cardiff. Paris was our vacation, London and Cardiff were for his business trip. Here are a very tiny portion of the highlights.

 Sacre Coeur on top of Montemarte

Picnics by the Seine {Notre Dame behind me} 

Inside Notre Dame

Climbing the Towers of Notre Dame

Sainte Chapelle


 Book seller on the Seine

Eiffel Tower

 Versailles: Hall of Mirrors
 Versailles: Fountain Show

 Versailles: Queen's Hamlet

Macarons at Laduree

Friday, June 6, 2014

Upcoming Workshops and Summer Camps

I have some exciting workshops and summer camps in July, including making my popular nativity set. There is choice between making just the holy family, or adding any number of other figures, or doing all of them {at a slightly discounted price}.

There is also a Girls Only summer camp, with fun paintings and clay projects just for girls!

Find the details and how to sign up on the website,